the patient dr
Share the knowledge if it was easy to understand

The patient-orientated medical blog

Do not confuse your online search with my medical degree

A meme on social media

⬆⬆⬆ This meme irritates me.

If I come across a problem or question, the first thing I do is Google a solution.

My recent searches are:

  • how to plant radish seeds,
  • the best recipes for hummus and
  • kite-surfing body-dragging videos.

My name is Dorianne Green, and I’ve been in general medical practice in South Africa for 20 years.

I strive to provide a holistic service to my patients.

As of 1st September 2023, I am pursuing remote working opportunities, allowing me to travel with my partner and rediscover ‘Just Dorianne.’

Approximately 6 out of 10 of my patients research their complaints online.

Online medical research is often confusing, and patients don’t know what to believe. There is so much information and medical jargon to sift through.

This blog will provide medical information straight from the GP’s mouth. I’ll keep it simple and in language that you can understand.

I use Google search terms and questions asked for inspiration.

I will talk from years of experience, do some research, and share fun links and reliable references to back me up.