The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis (BV) are often most prominent after sex. What does this mean? Is bacterial vaginosis an STD? The answer is complicated.
UTI Causes In Females ∣ Read Shocking Number 11
UTI stands for urinary tract infection. The causes in females are the same as in men, but ladies are 30 times more likely to develop a UTI.
What Causes Vaginal Thrush? ∣ 5 Top Reasons And Easy Solutions
This post is for all the ladies who have experienced the itch and burn. The itch that is not acceptable to scratch. The all-consuming itch.
Benefits Of Birth Control After 40 ∣ Master Menopause
I discuss 5 benefits of COC birth control after 40, bridging the gap into your mid-50s…
HPV Symptoms In Women – 7 Insider Tips
Have you heard your friends mention Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) testing or read about it on social media? It is the latest screening weapon in our fight against cervical cancer.
The Comprehensive Contraceptive Pill Rules Timeline ∣ 7 Steps
Learn everything there is to know about the pill. Avoid unwanted pregnancy; achieve cycle and skin control.
Are Pap Smears Painful? #1 Absurd Myth Busted
Are Pap smears painful? Uncomfortable yes. Painful? Usually not. What hurts the most is our pride in having this intimate procedure. The procedure explained, and tips for the day…