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Acupuncture has its roots 3,000 years ago in China. The acupuncture P6 point on the inside of your wrist has long been used to help with nausea.

acupressure bands

If you have read my other posts on motion sickness, you will know that I am a chronic sufferer. I discuss simple tricks and cruise advice in one article and medication in another.

Also read: Simple tricks and cruise advice to prevent motion sickness

Also read: Medication to prevent motion sickness

“I tried sea sickness bands for the first time in my 48 years in November 2023 on a cruise to Antarctica. I will discuss my experience in this post.”

I will also mention another device, motion sickness glasses, in this article.

Sea sickness bands, do they work for vertigo or only nausea? Studies agree that sea sickness bands reduce nausea, one symptom of sea sickness.1 Studies on motion sickness have mixed outcomes. Some conclude that sea bands do reduce all symptoms. However, most agree that acupressure bands do not prevent motion sickness, especially in extreme turbulence. 2,3,4

The pros of sea bands:

  • They are easily available.
  • They are reusable.
  • They are cost-effective.
  • They have no systemic side effects.

My experience

I have a routine when cruising that always works; well, it did until the Patagonia/Antarctica cruise. 

As usual, I started my cinnarizine 24 hours before boarding.

I booked a lower, middle cabin with a window on one of the most technologically advanced ships in the world. We left Valparaiso in Chile at 11 pm, and at 7 am the next morning, I wasn’t able to sit up without vomiting. I spent 48 hours in my bed.

Bad luck with a storm, galeforce winds, and 8 m swells, plus my tendency to motion sickness had tipped me over the edge. 

I still had four days on the Drake Passage to look forward to. Two days crossing to Antarctica and two days sailing back.

“I was a nervous wreck. How was I going to tick this continent off my bucket list?”

A fellow passenger who had survived the first two rough days had been wearing sea bands. She had an extra pair and offered them to me. I was willing to try anything.

I continued my baseline cinnarizine and started wearing the wristbands.

sea sickness bands do they work

Incorrect Positioning

In the first 12 hours of wearing them, I felt little difference.

I was able to leave my cabin but still had intermittent nausea and vertigo.

I then realized that the position of the pressure bead had shifted and was no longer between the forearm tendons. 

After repositioning it and making sure they did not move again, I started improving. 

Correct Positioning

I wore the bands for two weeks, only taking them off to shower. I had a motion sickness-free cruise.

As you can see from the picture, they are tight.

This makes sense as the bead works by pressure on the P6 point.

It looks uncomfortable, doesn’t it? Believe it or not, most of the time, I forgot I was wearing them.

Sea sickness bands do they work?

“I honestly am not sure.”

I felt better while wearing the sea sickness bands, but maybe it was coincidental.

There were many possible reasons why my motion sickness had resolved.

  • It had taken my brain 72 hours to stabilize, and I had naturally found my sea legs.
  • My medication had finally started working.
  • Getting out of my bed into the fresh air and seeing the horizon had broken the cycle.
  • The bad weather had settled. 

Even if it was a placebo effect, I will wear them on my next cruise.

Motion Sickness Glasses

When I first saw these listed as a method of preventing motion sickness, I thought it must be a joke. I have never tried them, and I never will. I am too self-conscious.

On my Iceland cruise in 2022, I saw a person wearing these. I cannot imagine they would risk the stares if they did not work.

You have to decide for yourself on this one. Watch this expert opinion on how they work.


  • Studies agree that sea sickness bands do not work to prevent motion sickness but might help to minimize symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.
  • They are operator-dependent. You need to find the P6 acupressure point for efficacy. Correct placement of the acupressure bead is important. If you’re interested in trying them, watch the video below.
  • After reading the studies and my experience, I suggest using sea sickness bands as baseline therapy. This might reduce your dose of oral medication, and fewer tablets equal fewer side effects.
the patient dr


  1. Roscoe, J. A., & Matteson, S. E. (2002). Acupressure and acustimulation bands for control of nausea: a brief review. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 186(5 Suppl Understanding), S244–S247.
  2. Miller KE, Muth ER. Efficacy of acupressure and acustimulation bands for the prevention of motion sickness. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2004;75(3):227-234.
  3. Stern RM, Jokerst MD, Muth ER, Hollis C. Acupressure relieves the symptoms of motion sickness and reduces abnormal gastric activity. Altern Ther Health Med. 2001;7(4):91-94.
  4. Hu, S., Stritzel, R., Chandler, A., & Stern, R. M. (1995). P6 acupressure reduces symptoms of vection-induced motion sickness. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine, 66(7), 631–634.

2 thoughts on “Sea Sickness Bands Do They Work? My 2-Week Success Story

  1. Thank you, Dr Green! I wish I had known about sea sickness bands a few years ago while going on a short cruise.

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